


There are certain instances on this site where Hourly Bartender requires personal information, such as order and inquiry forms. This requested information is used for internal purposes only, and is not shared, published or sold to sources outside of this establishment.



We, us, and our refer to Hourly Bartender You and your refer to Clients or the Client. The hourlybartender.com website does not endorse or assume responsibility or any liability from the content, products, or services of guest authors, content providers, outside links, alliances or related outside sources participating with this site. The contents of this site are routinely maintained and updated. However, we do not guarantee or warrant the accuracy of the content of this site. Changes may be periodically added to the information herein.



All rights are exclusively reserved. Users of this site may not use Hourly Bartender trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, or other commercial or product designations for any purpose whatsoever without the prior written consent of Hourly Bartender. It is safe to assume that everything on the hourlybartender.com website is copyrighted. Copyright is deemed to protect the creativity and ownership of Hourly Bartender and third-parties. All language, images, photographs, graphical art and design elements on this site are either owned by or permission granted to Hourly Bartender. Therefore, duplication or use of the language, images, photographs, graphical art and design elements is strictly prohibited. Expressed written permission for use of any part of this site is required. You have permission to access site links and download accessible order forms, comment forms, and information available for the explicit purpose of record keeping as a result of an inquiry or purchase from Hourly Bartender. You may not, however, distribute, modify or transmit, use or reuse any of the content on this site that is authorized by Hourly Bartender or any third party without the written consent of Hourly Bartender or any third party that Hourly Bartender deems necessary.


For additional information regarding this disclaimer, please contact Hourly Bartender at 800-406-1440.





Copyright Hourly Bartender. All rights reserved.